After the deception of the gearbox not working properly, I fitted the old one again. A lot of work, especially when everything is clean an freshly painted and you don’t want to damage the new paint. With the “old” replacement gearbox back in the car, I could finally drive DeKeijzer again and get some kilometers […]
Building up the area around the engine
After i connected the engine back to the transmission, it was time to fit and connect all kinds of other stuff; the alternator, airfilter housing, cables and exhaust, cooling fan etc etc. I had painted and cleaned lots of those parts, so it was very nice and rewarding to build the engine bay back up […]
Revision of the Ami 8 oil filler and engine breather
Because the pressure in the engine when the pistons move inwards and outwards changes, Citroen fitted the oil filler tube with an ingenious mechanism to maintain a certain under pressure (is this an English word?) to keep the engine oil inside the engine, instead of the pressure build up by the movement of the pistons […]
Mounting the 2CV Big Bore kit to the Ami engine
I wrote in an earlier update that the main goal of the front area renovation was to fit the car with its original engine and gearbox. Back in 2007, I replaced the engine because sometimes— not always— it was making a weird noise. I went to a few specialists, but no-one knew what could cause […]
Ami 8 engine renovation; dismantling, and cleaning
The old AM2-engine was removed from the car and replaced by an overhauled one (picture of that process will be in a future post) about 10 years ago. Now with the renovation of the front area going, I wanted to put the original engine back in the car. But not before some proper renovation and […]
Removal of the Ami 8 engine for renovation
It started out with inspecting the front area of my Ami 8 for rust and maybe replacing the gearbox for it’s original one, but know I’m heading to a much bigger project. Now turns out it is not only cleaning the whole engine bay and repainting all kinds of visible parts and the inner fenders. My Ami8 […]